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  • SchoolTubeendorsed by leading education associations. It's a safe, moderated environment where students can post self-produced videos for classroom use

  • Google Scholar -  Have your students research on the web by using Google Scholar. 

  • Scholastics Computer ActivitiesHere are all the quick, compelling one-session activities you need to incorporate interactive learning and technology into your curriculum. Each activity requires no prep and can be completed in 15-30 minutes.Use these 50+ activities in the computer lab.Build excitement and discussion when you introduce a new topic.

  • Storybirds are "short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print." Using the images provided by artists and illustrators, students can write and design their own online books working alone or collaboratively with classmates—or they can spend time enjoying the published "library" of Storybirds. The Teacher functionality allows you to create a private group, manage students' assignments, and grade work.

  • Free Rice—with its addicting vocabulary game that donates rice via the World Food Programme for every right answer—version 2.0 features 15 different topics for testing, including multiplication tables, Spanish language learning, and flags of the world. Registration is optional, but necessary if you want to keep track of scores. Keep in mind this site is for all ages, so there will be plenty of ads.

  • Bitstrips For School - Design your own cartoon characters, write dialogue, and create online comic strips to teach students any number of subjects and topics. There are plenty of activities already onBitstrips for Schools to get you and your students started.

  • Kidblog - Interested in starting classroom blogs to improve student writing skills but not sure how to keep your class in a safe environment? Kidblogis a simple blogging platform with advanced privacy features appropriate for elementary and middle school students; teachers have administrative control over what gets published—and what doesn't



  • Epic! is the only ALL-YOU-CAN-READ eBook library for kids 12 and under with thousands of high quality children’s books, streamed instantly to your iPad. (FREE)





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